Contacts for Diani Beach Kenya

Mobile Telephone
+254 (0)7 24 66 33 66
+254 (0)7 33 66 33 66
+254 (0)7 26 57 99 46
When an old man dies we loose a library. Old Bantu saying.

Only when lions have historians will hunters cease being heroes. African proverb.

The church is near but the road is icy. The bar is far but I will walk carefully. Russian proverb.

If opportunity does not come knocking get a new door! Kikuyu saying.

One day I said, I will go out and look for my enemies, and that day I found no friends.....

The next day I said, I will go out and look for my friends, and that day I found no enemies. American Indian Proverb...

An Australian 7 course dinner? A meat pie and a six pack of Fosters!

